Along with Correa and Leonidas Iza. But the big question is how he Last Database will finally act on the decisive issues and, therefore, what is the extent of the Last Database estrangement and what are the deep and surely inscrutable reasons that explain it. In any case, socially and ideologically it expresses a sector very close to the government's theses.The actors of Last Database social mobilization
The indigenous movement has Last Database established itself as a contradictor in the street and in the social struggle, achieving the alignment of an important sector of the social movement around the mobilization, which was temporarily suspended at the time of writing this article. October 2019 was a moment of recomposition for Conaie, after more than a Last Database decade marked by political confrontation with the Correa government, as well as the closeness of several of its cadres to the center or the right. In this mobilization emerged the leadership of Last Database Leonidas Iza, from the Cotopaxi Indigenous Movement, who, without presiding over Conaie, led the mobilization and was the most visible voice in the dialogue with the government.
His strategy of centrally confronting the Last Database rise in fuel prices, without entering into the game of overthrowing the Moreno government or prioritizing exclusive demands of indigenous peoples and nationalities, was in tune with broad popular sectors and with this he managed to sustain and expand the mobilization until the repeal of decree 883. Iza expresses a vision closer to the "historical leadership" of the indigenous movement of the 1990s: she Last Database focuses on the extra-institutional political struggle and maintains her profile and ethnic identity, but broadens the field of unity with other social sectors and has a clear anti-neoliberal position. After the October 2019 mobilization, the effects Last Database of the pandemic and the confinement measures, the fear and the resulting socioeconomic crisis caused a long cooling off of the streets.